3The Development Philosophy Of PureBasic.
#Purebasic while how to
Rather than list the names and entities that ownthe trademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of the trademarked name, thepublisher states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and to the benefit of thetrademark owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark.ĭedicationDedicated to my girlfriend, Sara Jane Gostick and her dog ‘Stella’ for putting up with many lonelynights while I wrote this book and for the encouragement (and chicken dinners) she always givesme.AcknowledgmentsThanks to Fred and the Purebasic team for the Purebasic language, keep up the good work, it rocks!Thanks to Paul Dixon for clarifying some of the details regarding binary encoding of floating pointnumbers.Thanks to Timo Harter for helping to choose what Purebasic data types would best substitute theWin32 API types, and for demonstrating how to retrieve different strings from memory via thedifferent Win32 API String pointer types.“With great power there must also come great responsibility!”-Ben Parker (Spiderman’s Uncle)Code examples contained in this book can be downloaded freely from1-4276-0428-2 For up to date news and information regarding PureBasicplease refer to names appear throughout this book. All information contained herein is considered accurate at time of publication butbecause PureBasic is a language in a constant state of refinement and development, some informationover time may be rendered out-of-date. The author orpublisher shall not be liable if incidental or consequential damages occur in connection with, or arisingfrom, the furnishings, performance, or use of the programs, associated instructions, and/or claims ofproductivity gains. PureBasic and all provided tools andcomponents contained within the PureBasic package are Copyright 2006 Fantaisie Software.Fantaisie Software10, rue de Lausanne67640 FegersheimFrance2006, by Aardvark Global Publishing.EditorGary WilloughbyPrint HistoryJuly 2006 - First EditionDisclaimerWhile every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book and the programs containedwithin it, the author and publisher assumes no responsibility whatsoever for errors, omissions, or fordamages resulting from the use of the information or programs contained herein. Moredetails can be found here: c is a registered trademark of Fantaisie Software.

#Purebasic while code
PureBasic - A Beginner’s Guide To Computer Programmingby Gary Willoughb圜opyright 2006 Gary WilloughbyThis book and all included source materials such as diagrams, photos and PureBasic source code isdistributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License. PurebasicA Beginners Guide To Computer ProgrammingGary Willoughby
#Purebasic while android
With that in mind, the book by Wyken Seagrave "B4A Rapid Android App Development Using Basic" is highly recommended.Ordf 4te ic vd a asUp r e bPuPurebasicA Beginner’s Guide To Computer ProgrammingGary Willoughby It takes a village to raise a competent programmer. To be honest, most developers are not educators and it takes a monumental effort to write or make video tutorials with the mindset of a beginner, especially smaller companies that are one-man shows or only a few developers. Of course, one can totally bypass the need for a console app by using the internal IDE debugger for interactive feedback. See here what it would look like to produce a similar console application in B4X. A simple input/output console-only program in QB64 would require only a few lines of code and will work in other variations of BASIC such as Liberty Basic, BBC with slight tweaks. With the Break command it is possible to exit the While : Wend loop during any iteration, with the Continue command the end of the current iteration may be skipped. So an interactive console-only application is not quite as interactive as say running a similar program in other languages. A Repeat loop is executed at least once, (as the test is performed after each loop).

Knowledge of using the command line to run a JAR file is necessary as well to run console-only programs. The syntax can get quite complex compared to some other languages when creating console-only programs. Also since B4X is a wrapper for Java, it may take some knowledge of Java to learn B4X - for example when creating a console-only application. Some Programming Experience may be needed The getting started and basic language guides appear to assume some prior programming knowledge which may confuse the beginner programmer.