
Strawberry plants
Strawberry plants

strawberry plants


Here are tasty ideas on how to use your juicy, sweet strawberries. If planted later, the flowers should be removed in the first year so the energy is used to develop a healthy plant in year two. Berries not eaten fresh can be readily frozen or preserved. Besides being an excellent dessert fruit, strawberries are a good source of vitamin C as well as being low in calories in strawberries. The same cover may be used for bird control during harvest. Plant in spaces that will not have a lot of foot traffic. Try to avoid very low-lying areas prone to spring frosts, and you should definitely plan to purchase a white spun bonded row cover to protect open strawberry blossoms from spring frosts and freezes. Strawberry tip: Grow strawberry plants in open sunny areas as ground covers. Strawberry runners come along during the second year and can be divided for new strawberry plantings. We hope you enjoy our article tips for strawberries and strawberry plants. This allows the plants to force all energy into growing the plants into larger ones so the second year has much stronger fruit production. With your strawberry transplants pinch off any blooms during their first year planted. Strawberries plantings are easy to grow and require a minimum of space.


If you love getting something for free then propagating new strawberry plants from runners is well worthwhile.Strawberry plants are a welcome addition to any home orchard garden. You could also use your new plants to fill a special strawberry planter, troughs, or perhaps a handsome terracotta pot. For best results, grow each new generation of strawberries in a completely fresh bed enriched with compost to avoid the build up of disease. Free for commercial use High Quality Images. 12000+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files.


Strawberries become less productive over time, so you need to grow more plants from runners every three to four years to ensure continuing good harvests. Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Strawberry Plant. New strawberries rooted into pots can be overwintered in a greenhouse or cold frame then planted out in spring - particularly useful if winters are harsh in your area. Choose a healthy runner which has produced one or more leaves, and remove any stems emerging from the new leaves, while keeping it still attached to the parent plant. How to grow strawberries pegging a strawberry runner in place. Grow the young plant on where it is, or dig it up and replant into fresh ground. Propagating strawberry plants from runners. At this point, cut it free from the parent plant. Growing on New Strawberry PlantsĪfter about a month to six weeks the plantlet will have started to grow new leaves. Make sure the plantlet is in firm contact with the soil. To get these to root, simply peg down the plantlet into the ground or into pots of potting soil with a hairpin, U-shaped clip or a length of garden wire bent into shape. Look closely at the plantlet at the end of the runner and you may be able to see tiny roots already beginning to form.

strawberry plants

Unless you plan to dispose of the parent plants, limit the number of runners to five per plant. Only ever use healthy runners from vigorous, disease-free plants. From year three some of the runners can be used to propagate new plants.

strawberry plants

Runners take a lot of the plant’s energy to produce, so in the first two years of life they should be cut off from where they emerge to concentrate the plant’s efforts on fruit production. Each runner has a tiny plant at its end and these can be rooted and grown on to produce new plants. Established strawberry plants will send out multiple runners over the soil surface.

Strawberry plants